DETOX: the naked truth
I am often asked what are my best advises for a complete detox. My answer is simple and similar to any of my other prescriptions = PERSONALISED! Some of you will benefit from a complete fasting while others will have amazing results on a simple vegan diet for a few days. All you need to remember is one size will never fit all so you need to find your own size based on your metabolism. Lucky you, I am the expert in ‘sizing’ protocols ! But before we start, let’s demystify some fake news around detox…
YES and NO | A detox is a process that promotes organs cleansing from their toxic agents and toxins. The benefits are absolutely amazing : immune boost, restored gut functions, cleared asthma and other allergies, happy mood, increased energy and yes, weight loss! But no need to precise a detox diet can only be followed on a few days! So obviously, the kilograms lost during your detox will automatically re-appear when you will go back to your normal diet. However, I always recommend a detox at the start of a weight loss program to kick start the results, flush-out the toxins responsible of reluctant fat around the belly and rise their motivation to the top so after 3 days of intensive fasting, even a low-carb diet looks like Christmas eve!
Fake News! | I am scientifically convinced of the “monodiet” health benefits but it very much depends on which “mono-food” you go for! As a general rule: You CANNOT detoxify your body with chocolate or any other processed food! As well as choosing a high glycemic index food type is a total non-sense. Sorry for the bad news! The good one is, through a personalised health assessment, I can help you identify the most beneficial ingredient for your health to make your detox phase unique and strongly effective!
Not really … | migraine, insomnia, acne, bloating, fatigue, low mood, … Welcome to the detox phase! Please don’t run away! This is all absolutely normal and a good sign that your body was in serious need to be reset. Let me explain: when you offer your digestive system a little break, the emunctory organs (liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, gut) regenerate and cleanse your whole body. Depending on how much it is intoxicated, the process can take up to a few days. During this phase, your blood will be highly concentrated in toxins, waiting to be flushed out. (reason behind all the side effects). But a few days later, you will start experiencing the amazing benefits of your detox so just hang in there, this is absolutely worth it! Instead, focus on the glowing skin all of your friends will be jealous about in a week time!
NO ! | A complete or intermittent-fasting protocol is by far the most effective way to detoxify the body. But DO NOT PRACTICE ALONE! When you fast for a several days, your metabolism switches and uses ketones as a source of energy, which can lead to ketoacidosis, a life-threatening state. Fasting protocols are to be followed ONLY under medical supervision!
Ready now to discuss YOUR DETOX PROTOCOL? Get in touch with me today!
Any detox protocol or restricted diet, (except from the ones prescribed in food allergy treatment) are beneficial on the short term only. It is not recommended on the long term.
A detox can be dangerous in certain disease states, if you take some medications, or in specific conditions such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, elderly, kids, etc. Always ask your nutritionist before you start.
“Dr. Laure Hyvernat”
The content provided in this article is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for medical consultation.